LÍLLÉbaby 6-in-1 Complete Carrier from $99. 8000+ 5-star reviews, back-saving comfort. Free shipping $49+

6 Ways to Wear

Grows from Newborn to Toddler

Fetal Carry

Wide Seat (Infants)

Newborn through 2 months of age, (approximately 7-12lbs) infants may be worn in the fetal carry position, also called froggy position. This newborn position mimicks their fetal posture in the womb and may be extra soothing and comforting in their early days. Adjust your carrier to the wide seat setting and position an infant pillow to prop baby up to the appropriate height. Baby's head should clear the top of the carrier panel and rest near the collar bone of the wearer's body. In this position, an infants legs stay within in the edges of the carrier panel.

Inward Facing Carry

Inward Facing Carry

Designed to carry newborns and small infants in an ergonomically correct position, supporting early hip and spine development. Infants legs hang outside the carrier. This position does not require an infant pillow or insert.

Inward Facing Carry

Wide Seat (Toddlers)

Designed to provide ergonomic support for growing infants or toddlers whose legs are no longer supported (knee-to-knee) by the carrier in the narrow seat position. Baby is ready to move up to the wide seat when he or she can sit comfortably in the seat with the fabric extending to, but not beyond, the knees (approx. 18 months clothing size). Baby's knees should be able to swing freely, without any bunching of fabric behind knees. Readiness for wide seat is determined by femur length, and not weight or age. Do not carry small infants and newborns in the wide seat position - use inward narrow seat position or wide seat fetal position.

Front-Facing Carry

Narrow Seat

An ideal carrying position to give curious little ones a front row seat to the world. Because there is no support for baby’s head and torso while outward facing, do not face outward until baby is 6+ months of age and has excellent head control. Only use the narrow seat position when outward facing. If baby falls asleep in this position, immediately reposition to the appropriate inward facing position to provide head and neck support.

Hip Carry

Wide Seat

An alternative carrying position for growing toddlers who want to see the world without blocking their parents’ view. Babies supported in a hip carry should be at least 6 months old and demonstrate strong, consistent head support. Hip position can only be used with the wide seat setting.

Back Carry

Wide Seat

As older infants and toddlers grow heavier and taller, this carrying position offers a shift in weight distribution on the wearers body for increased comfort during extended babywearing. Once babies can fit the Complete Carrier's wide seat setting (approx. 18 months clothing size) back carrying becomes an attractive option for caregivers and extends the joy of babywearing for many months.

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More Reasons to Love the Complete Carrier

Mom in white shirt holding baby from his bottom

Compatible with LILLEbaby accessories: Infant pillow, waistbelt extension, teething pads

Mom in green shirt holding her baby in the All Seasons carrier

Newborn to toddler
(0 – 24 months, 8 – 45lbs)

Mom and daughter using matching LILLEbaby carriers to hold their babies

Fits up to 52” waist. Extenders sold separately for up to 61.5" waist.


Life with little ones requires staying ready for just about anything, and our All-Seasons carrier is designed to adapt as quickly as you do. Our zip-down front panel gives you the option to control baby’s temperature by revealing our breathable, soft-wearing mesh. Parenting is unpredictable, but your comfort doesn’t have to be.

Zip-down front panel gives you the option to control baby’s temperature by revealing our breathable, soft-wearing mesh

Slim zippered pocket holds your valuables for hands-free adventures

Two-way adjustable straps, extendable back panel, lumbar support, and adaptable seat create near limitless options for an ergonomic fit that suits you and your little one’s shape, comfort, and personal style

LÍLLÉbaby 6-in-1 Complete Baby Carrier | Back Saving Comfort